Best Discounted New Technology Hearing Aids, Best Prices Guaranteed
Best Discounted New Technology Hearing Aids, Best Prices Guaranteed
Unlike the common belief that our ears do all the work of hearing, it is really done by all that’s in between–the brain! Sounds in the environment, including speech, are transferred through our ears and then carried by nerves to our brain, where the translating of those sounds into information really happens. And, like any organ, overwork takes its toll.
Generally speaking, hearing loss develops slowly. Our brain's own ability to compensate and adjust to gradual hearing changes makes hearing loss difficult to recognize.
Studies show that as hearing deteriorates, the brain compensates by working harder and harder to process what does get through. With this new information at hand, there’s no doubt that caring for your hearing is an important part of caring for the health of your brain.
Untreated hearing loss not only affects your quality of life, but it also affects the brain. According to several studies in the past years, hearing loss is independently associated with incident all-cause dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and also contributes to cognitive dysfunction in older adults. A hearing aid does more than help you hear. It also helps your brain remember the sounds you cannot hear without your hearing aid.
That's why it's extremely important to have annual hearing evaluations. We encourage people as young as 45 to have a baseline hearing screening. Catching and treating hearing loss early can slow, or stop, its progression.
At Hear Aus we are committed to helping you find the best possible hearing solution by providing you with the best technology in the market at the most competitive price in Brisbane.
Unlike many of our competitors we are not owned by a hearing aid manufacturer or by ENT specialists, hence hearing devices are recommended independently and based on your hearing needs and lifestyle, and with no vested interests which will save you up to $4000 on a pair of hearing aids.
For a no obligation, FREE hearing test call us today.
Try our range of hearing aids in your own environment. The no obligation and free trial gives you the ability to try the aids in your own environment before purchasing.